bookmark_borderWordPress 2.0

I was taking a look at this new WordPress 2.0 Beta-1. I’ve installed it on my home server for testing and there is actually a bunch of changes and new stuff on the admin panel. I just hope that all good WordPress plugins will work on this new version. I think while from 1.5+ to 2.0 will take some time from the webmasters, but it’s totally worth it! Let’s just wait and see.


bookmark_borderSimple Flickr Slideshow Script

Some time ago, I wanted to do something to show pictures in a flickr set in an easy way for my websites. I wanted to make a link that would open a small window in the same way as “View as slideshow” in a new window in the flickr website. So I decided to build this script. After reading the‘s HowTo: Embedded Flickr Slideshows, I decided to release my script to the web. It’s simple but can be useful.
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bookmark_borderMath Riddle

This is a simple math ride I heard today.
Think with me. 3 friends go to a pizza place. After eating, they go to pay, and the total is U$30, so each one pays U$10.
The owner of the pizza place knew the guys, so he told the waiter to give them U$5 off. The waiter, unashamed, put U$2 in his pocket and give U$1 to each of the boys.
So, how much did they paid in total? And where is the missing dollar?
Weird! Please, leave a comment about what you think is the result.

bookmark_borderFeedTree: RSS via P2P

FeedTree is a P2P Java app that uses distributed bandwidth to push RSS feed content to users faster than traditional newsreaders that poll their feeds on a schedule. There is an infographic that describes how it works, but I still do not fully understand it. But I do understand that speed and timeliness are the payoffs here. Currently, the installation process and user interface are rough but the developers promise improvements. My eyes glazed over reading the command-line and port-messaging requirements to get this thing running, but if such technicalities are up your alley, this looks like an interesting new spin on both P2P and RSS. via [p2pWeblog]