
This is my second movie. The idea was to create something different, without any logic, with nice music and crazy images. This is the result of this work.

Recorded and edited by: Eduardo Moreira Filho
Main Actor: Daniel Andrade (me)
Music by: “Le Quartier”, by Yann Tiersen, from the album “Gotan Project – Music Planet 2Nite”.

bookmark_borderMario Kart Arcade

I want on of these for Chistmas! Please Santa, put one of these in your bag and ship it to Brazil!!

“We’re not sure what we could tell you about the MarioKart Arcade GP dual-seater cabinet that could convince you to lay down the required $17,495 to pick one up, but you’re crazy if you don’t think we’re considering one for the office. Don’t deny, you’re at least thinking about it, too.”

Via [engadget] [joystiq]




bookmark_borderHowTo: Google Videos on your website

After I realized that was shutdown by GOogle, and all the embedded videos were not working anymore, I decided to come with a new way to put it on your website. I found one, but it’s not as easy as before, but it works! I’ll try to explain how to do it and if anyone finds a better way to do it, please, let me know!
Continue reading “HowTo: Google Videos on your website”

bookmark_border7 cool things to do with a symbian enabled phone

Some weeks ago I bought a Nokia 6600 smart phone, great mobile with symbian OS. Since then I’ve been playing around with it and discovering how great this operational system is, BlueTooth, IR, Java and the MMC memory card. So I decided to write this article showing 7 cool things you can do with It.
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bookmark_borderFlickr Photo Downloader Script

While on my exchange in Finland, my friends from other countries and I took many pictures. We wanted to share pictures, but most of them didn’t know how to use a computer so well. Some burned CDs with pictures and sent them to everyone but it was a lot of work!!! So my friend Camre from Turkey made a script that allows people to easily download all of the pictures from any photoset in flickr. But his script wasn’t working anymore on his server, so I decided to make a new one. I was looking for a simple flickr library, and I found one in Oberkampf, it’s easy and very configurable.
Continue reading “Flickr Photo Downloader Script”