bookmark_borderPimental Just Released

Yesterday pimental was released. It is a blog for random comments and observations about the picturesque facts and events of life.
There you can find a bunch of cool articles, howto’s, recipes, geek stuff and much more. This is a simple list of what we’re preparing:

  1. – How to make a Beer Thrower (throw beer with a pressure of about 120psi!)
  2. – How to Photograph in Conflict Zones
  3. – *Dumb* Pic of the day (sure you can submit your pics!)

Just wait and see, and meanwhile, tell your friends about it!!!

bookmark_borderWordPress 2.0

I was taking a look at this new WordPress 2.0 Beta-1. I’ve installed it on my home server for testing and there is actually a bunch of changes and new stuff on the admin panel. I just hope that all good WordPress plugins will work on this new version. I think while from 1.5+ to 2.0 will take some time from the webmasters, but it’s totally worth it! Let’s just wait and see.


bookmark_borderBrazil moves towards fast internet connection

This is great news for me and my Brazilian folks! Brazil is moving towards faster internet for a reasonable price. Two weeks ago the Brazilian cable company, NET, released 2Mb/4Mb/8Mb internet speed for a low price. Other companies are offering speed up to 1Mb for R$200 (U$83) but this new service will cost 2Mb/300Kbps for R$79 (U$33), 4Mb/600Kbps for R$99 (U$41) and 8Mb/1.2Mb for R$199 (U$82). The only concern is that this cable company may limit bandwidth, 20Gb for 2Mb, 40Gb for 4Mb and 60Gb for 8Mb. That is not much for those who are downloading things 24/7 on bittorrent or in other P2P softwares.
Continue reading “Brazil moves towards fast internet connection”

bookmark_borderSimple Flickr Slideshow Script

Some time ago, I wanted to do something to show pictures in a flickr set in an easy way for my websites. I wanted to make a link that would open a small window in the same way as “View as slideshow” in a new window in the flickr website. So I decided to build this script. After reading the‘s HowTo: Embedded Flickr Slideshows, I decided to release my script to the web. It’s simple but can be useful.
Continue reading “Simple Flickr Slideshow Script”

bookmark_borderMath Riddle

This is a simple math ride I heard today.
Think with me. 3 friends go to a pizza place. After eating, they go to pay, and the total is U$30, so each one pays U$10.
The owner of the pizza place knew the guys, so he told the waiter to give them U$5 off. The waiter, unashamed, put U$2 in his pocket and give U$1 to each of the boys.
So, how much did they paid in total? And where is the missing dollar?
Weird! Please, leave a comment about what you think is the result.