And here we go again! 😛
you can check my dotklok on the top right of my monitor 🙂
Still figuring out how I will make the case for it.
Electronics, Web, Travel & More
Hey, I got so exited about the DotKlok that I decided to build my own! As it’s quite difficult to buy one from here (I live in Florianópolis – Brazil), and to pay U$150 for the Kit wouldn’t work for me… So I want to build a good looking clock for my room, which I only have my computer and mobile as clock.
First of all, I needed to buy the 24×16 Led Display from Sure Electronics, which I found for a good price at eBay (little cheaper then buying from the Website).
This is amazing, perfect for those times when your have to create another board just to hold the atmega µC. I am looking forward to use this tiny board in some project in a near future. Congrats to Varesano for the project.
You can check his project HERE.
Wow, this is amazing! DOTKLOK is an open-source, hackable, Arduino-based digital clock that displays a series of unique time-telling animations.
DOTKLOK: Game Time from The Latest Artists on Vimeo.
DOTKLOK is an open-source, hackable, Arduino-based digital clock that displays a series of unique time-telling animations. The passing of time is depicted with numbers and abstract/geometric patterns such as Morse code and minimal analog clock faces and includes animations inspired by classic video games such as Pong, Tetris, Pacman, and Space Invaders.
You can buy the kit for U$150.00 and it assembled for U$200.00
for me… I think I will build one, hell yeah I’m going to build one, just love it!!!
You can check more information from dotklok’s website.
It’s finally here, a document that will help us to define what Open Hardware is, and to spread the idea. Open Software have been around for a long time, Open Hardware is still beginning, but already have a really big community out there, including me. I will add the logo to my next projects for sure!
Now, to move forward, please HELP:
This is a very important step in propelling our movement forward. PLEASE FORWARD FAR AND WIDE.
I know I haven’t posted much lately, but there’s more to come in a near future!! You will like it! 🙂 But for now, you HAVE to watch this amazing documentary about the Arduino Board and its story!