Hi everyone, I am blogging live from the CampusParty Brazil 2k10 in Sรยฃo Paulo – Brazil, it’s something like a Lan Party but full of presentations, concerts and of course downloading… We have here a 10GB BandWidth internet, and there’s a TV screen showing the bandwidth consumption, and we haven’t used more then 3GB at the same time. (I’m trying my best to beat the record). Another thing that I found cool is that someone started a DC++ Servers, and there’s around 400 people connected to it sharing stuff fullspeed, soon my 500Gb Lacie Drive, that I brought with me empty will be full.
In case you are somewhere around the world and would like to download stuff from us, connect to the DC++ Hub cp2010.no-ip.org and download at a great speed.
Today morning there was some people doing Arduino projects, DIY stuff, Open Sorce presentations and much more. You can check LiveStreaming from the Campus Party Here.
Yesterday Kevin Mitnick was here giving a presentation about the art of deception, what a presentation, really good! If you would like to watch it, I am uploading it too, it’s worth it!
Take care all, I will check my downloads now! ๐