This is a simple and quick code I made for teach variables with arduino programming,
where we enter the variable numbers a, b, c in
and we get the answer using the Serial Monitor..
I won’t get in details about this code, it’s quite straightforward. But if you have any question, just ask! 🙂
[cc lang=”c”]
/* Bhaskara Calculator
Daniel Spillere Andrade –
Simple code showing how to use arduino to calculate Quadratic function.
X => [-b +- sqrt( b^2 – 4ac)] / 2a
Change the a, b and c to get the result via Serial Monitor
int a = 1;
int b = -10;
int c = 25;
float delta, result1, result2;
#include “math.h” // Math!
void setup() {
// Calculte delta
// b^2 – 4 * a * c
delta = pow(b,2) – 4 * a * c;
// Analize delta
if(delta<0) {
Serial.println(“Delta < 0, can't calculate!");
// Ends the program
else if (delta==0) {
Serial.println("Delta = 0, we can calculate!!!");
result1 = result2 = (-b) / (2 * a);
Serial.print("X1=X2="); Serial.println(result1);
else if (delta>0) {
// X1 != X2
delta = sqrt(delta);
Serial.println(“Delta > 0, we can calculate”);
result1 = (-b + delta) / (2 * a);
result2 = (-b – delta) / (2 * a);
Serial.print(“X1=”); Serial.println(result1);
Serial.print(“X2=”); Serial.println(result2);
void loop() { }
hello sir…
how to write this formula(Ï€/3 h(R^2+Rr+r^2)) for coding arduino…
h=14 cm
R=91 cm
r= 74 cm
Is it possible to enter the following equation in to an Arduino sketch.
I am using an RTD temp sensor. the output is non linear.
i generated the equation below with Microsoft Excel.
y = 28.089×5 – 158.77×4 + 410.33×3 – 426.65×2 + 532.31x – 320.03
R² = 1
y = 28.089x^5 – 158.77x^4 + 410.33x^3 – 426.65x^2 + 532.31x^ – 320.03R² = 1
Why not?
Check this out