Some time ago, I wanted to do something to show pictures in a flickr set in an easy way for my websites. I wanted to make a link that would open a small window in the same way as “View as slideshow” in a new window in the flickr website. So I decided to build this script. After reading the‘s HowTo: Embedded Flickr Slideshows, I decided to release my script to the web. It’s simple but can be useful.
V1.0 – You can download the script here.
More information about installation is located in the .php file.
Hope this will be somewhat useful. Please, if you liked this, or have any suggestion or correction, just leave a comment.
This is rad – thanks! I’ve already implemented it on all my recent reviews. You can check out my Call of Duty 2 review here to see it in action.
I modified the CSS a bit to get rid of the margins on the body – fits perfectly in the window now.
Thanks again.
Thanks to share that usefull script, a really simple way to embed flickr slideshow.
Would you is there’s a way to had a tag selector?
Thanks a lot
such a quick easy way of getting a slick well presented and best of all editable slide show going on a website, check this out….
Hi there, great simple thingy to implent my photos to my page. Is there any way of automatically rescaling the photos in a smaller iframe? Thx a lot mate
VERY new to php and scripts and the like – have tried installing this, and the link on my page works to open up a new window, but the Flickr slideshow wont load in it – I’m pretty sure i need to alter a bit of script to link to my Flickr site – have changed the set number and copied the first section into my header.php as directed… but no joy. please help!
you have to use the code
<p onClick="MM_openBrWindow(‘slideshow.php?set=1074853′,”,’width=495,height=500’)">
<a href="javascript:void(0);" rel="nofollow">Link Name</a></p>
this number “1074853” you have to change this to your set
for example, you get a set link like this:
You save the 72157594472089580, and paste in the code
<p onClick="MM_openBrWindow(‘slideshow.php?set=72157594472089580′,”,’width=495,height=500’)">
<a href="javascript:void(0);" rel="nofollow">Link Name</a></p>
and that’s it! Anything show me the link I can take a look
Thanks, I tried that, but still doesnt work,
I’m at, I think I’m possibly pasting that first section of ‘javascript’ code into the wrong bit of my header. Or I’ve uploaded the slideshow.php into the wrong directory?
Thanks for getting back to me so quickly!
so where are your slideshows in action??
@David, there isn’t here, but I’ll add one soon ๐
All the reviewers demo links are done. And you promised yours a year ago ๐