Host1Plus a Review


Nowadays, there are so many different Virtual Private Servers, or VPS providers that it can be quite overwhelming to choose one for your projects. In this post I will review a VPS from a British hosting company called Host1Plus.

Right now I am using a VPS Gold localized in Chicago, IL.

  • CPU 2 Cores
  • RAM 2048 MB
  • HDD+SSD 40 GB
  • Bandwidth 2000 GB


The server prices are really good if you compare it with other providers. In the image below you can see the difference between Digital Ocean and Host1Plus. For the same US$5/month you get an extra 256MB of RAM and 10GB of SSD Drive, kudos for Host1Plus!


Below you can see some pictures of the control panel:




Server Tests

Whenever you do a server test, it is important to have something to compare it to. In this review I will be comparing the Gold Plan with it’s similar server from Digital Ocean, the $20/month plan with Ubuntu 14.04 x64 hosted in New York.

DigitalOcean HOST1Plus
Price $20/month $15/month
CPU 2 core 2 core
SSD Storage 40GB 40GB
Included Bandwidth 3TB 2TB
Network In 1Gbit 50Mbit
Network Out 1Gbit (shared) 50Mbit

After having two identical setups up and running, I installed sysbench and mysql-server:

sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install sysbench mysql-server

CPU test

DigitalOcean HOST1Plus
Number of Events 10000 10000
Execution Time 12.9384s 14.2474s
Min. Request 1.23ms 0.97ms
Avg. Request 1.29ms 1.42ms
Max. Request 5.00ms 4.36ms

Using sysbench I’ve run a CPU test with 10 thousand events and the results you can check above. With DigitalOcean being a bit faster then Host1Plus.

Memory read test

DigitalOcean HOST1Plus
Number of Events 104857600 104857600
Execution Time 82.2573s 104.6202s
Min. Request 0.00ms 0.00ms
Avg. Request 0.00ms 0.00ms
Max. Request 4.21ms 9.64ms
MB/sec 1244.88 MB/sec 978.78 MB/sec

Memory Write

DigitalOcean HOST1Plus
Number of Events 104857600 104857600
Execution Time 84.0349s 105.7245s
Min. Request 0.00ms 0.00ms
Avg. Request 0.00ms 0.00ms
Max. Request 2.49ms 10.20ms
MB/sec 1218.54 MB/sec 968.55 MB/sec

File I/O Test

sysbench --test=fileio --file-total-size=4G prepare
sysbench --test=fileio --file-total-size=4G --file-test-mode=rndrw run
sysbench --test=fileio --file-total-size=4G cleanup
DigitalOcean HOST1Plus
Number of Events 10000 10000
Execution Time 2.3878s 2.6533s
Min. Request 0.01ms 0.00ms
Avg. Request 0.09ms 0.02ms
Max. Request 6.25ms 1.03ms
Requests/sec 4188.03 3768.92

MySQL Test

sysbench --test=oltp --oltp-table-size=1000000 --mysql-db=test --mysql-user=root --mysql-password=password prepare
sysbench --test=oltp --oltp-table-size=1000000 --mysql-db=test --mysql-user=root --mysql-password=password run
sysbench --test=oltp --oltp-table-size=1000000 --mysql-db=test --mysql-user=root --mysql-password=password cleanup
DigitalOcean HOST1Plus
Number of Events 10000 10000
Execution Time 37.9982s 93.1184s
Min. Request 2.20ms 5.28ms
Avg. Request 3.79ms 9.30ms
Max. Request 60.33ms 259.52ms
Read/write Requests/sec 5000.24 2040.41

Bandwidth Test

To test the server download / upload speed, I am using, which is a terminal client for the famous


DigitalOcean HOST1Plus
Download Speed 573.94 Mbit/s 50.15 Mbit/s
Upload Speed 225.60 Mbit/s 45.28 Mbit/s

Final Thoughts

Both of the servers tested were pretty similar, with DigitalOcean being slightly faster than Host1Plust. You can’t forget that Host1Plus is 25% cheaper than DigitalOcean, so if you are happy with the performance differences, and don’t need a fast internet speed and want to save some cash, go with Host1Plus! I have been using H1P for a few projects and besides the download/upload speed (which I really can’t understand why it’s being capped at such a slow speed) I am pretty happy with them.

PS: This review was made in request of Host1Plus.

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